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allison ching
3 min read
adventure to acceptance
From adventure to acceptance - because the greatest adventure is the journey inside. 15 years ago, I declared that I wanted to be an...
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allison ching
1 min read
ready, fire, aim!
READY, FIRE, AIM! The above phrase is taken from "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" book by T. Harv Eker. Translation: Action! You can...
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allison ching
4 min read
money can bring happiness
Many of my friends have asked me, “Allison, you have plenty of opportunities to work in many countries in the world after your MBA, why...
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allison ching
2 min read
5 heartfelt lessons travelling with mum
You probably learnt the most from your parents, and they never stopped teaching you at any stage of your life – if you care to pay...
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allison ching
1 min read
what if?
The 2 words that can derail anyone from reaching their goals: What if? “What if I make a fool of myself?” “What if I fail?” “What if I’m...
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allison ching
2 min read
happy halloween! now you can stop acting scared.
As I celebrate Halloween, I ponder, why do people PRETEND to be frightened on this occasion? There are real fears, yet many people choose...
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allison ching
8 min read
Why the better half of this world stays hungry and foolish
If you are reading this article, you probably belong to the better half of this world, with an internet connection, decent electricity,...
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allison ching
4 min read
Ladies, it pays to be The Baby in a relationship.
“Just ask for it… and do so with an innocent smile.” FYI — that was my response when people, usually women, asked how I get my husband to...
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allison ching
5 min read
Why your real life begins from 39
“Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life.” — Herbert Asquith, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Sigh…...
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